Tuesday, November 29, 2011

today I was taught about imovie I do not get it at all, I guess I did an outline wich had what the title was and the cast members i think i did it wrong. then i talked to odalys about our plans for the project.oday I was taught about imovie I do not get it at all, I guess I did an outline wich had what the title was and the cast members i think i did it wrong. Then i talked to odalys about our plans for the project. We tried to figure something out about our video but then she left.
Next time i will start the fractions, and i will have a story baord. I will have completed the rest. I will need a lot of help. My attitude in quia was reallly bad because i was reallly mad about the brochure its just not fair!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

design breif.

Design Brief:
What is the general problem your group is trying to solve?
My group is trying to solve the problem of people not knowing how to use the internet or even that the internet has revolved enough to be able to chat with someone across the world. 
What is the design problem you are trying to solve?
I want to show that the internet has evolved enough to talk to anyone around the world.
Concept: (What do you want the user to think about?
I want them to acknowledge that a lot of families in the world do not know how to use technology.
What message do you want the user to get?)
i want the user to understand that we have to be the change that we wish to see in the world.
Sources: cited
Identify and analyze appropriate source of information you will need to solve your problem.
Any Research?
Materials / Props we will need a beach environment and a chinese environment so also everything that comes with it.
Sound / Music chinese talk 
Software?- were using microsoft
Format: (web video (320 x 240) or PAL D1/DV widescreen
Pixel Format: Square pixels or DV Footage
Tools: (Photoshop, illustrator, iMovie, Premier, Final Cut Pro, After Effects)
Length: (15 – 60 seconds)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Digital Communication impacts my digital footprint because the world now revolves around electronics so it is important that people know how to use the telephone, computer, etc. If they don't then it can really affect the the learning. In this class period Odalys and i research topics that were good. We compared what video we could do using the topic, the best one that we had was digital communication. Then we went on Google and found 10 facts about digital communication. We found many interesting facts about how much cellphones are used now a days and we talked about effects that could be if we didn't now how to use them. 
  • 5.3 bln mobile subscribers.
  • between 500 million to 1 bln people will have access to the internet by 2015. 
  • text messages sent by U.S. citizens is around 110 billion 
  • 2.5 billion text messages are sent per day in the us
  • china does not use facebook
  • more than 100 million yahoo accounts were active in August 2011 
  •  355 million hotmail accounts were active in 2011
  • 175 million people log onto facebook everyday 
  • Facebook is translated in over 100 languages
<http://mobithinking.com/mobile-marketing-tools/latest-mobile-stats> .  


How does your topic impact your future digital footprint?  
You must post a complete paragraph explaining your progress today.  You should have a minimum
of 10 facts with numbers posted to your blog.  What do your peers need to know about your topic
to help them have an appropriate digital footprint 20 years from now?  FACT

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Digital Access

  1. America Offline-  America Offline means that there is millions of Americans that do not have a daily bases access to the internet, in a world that now revolves around it. Also that if we had at least one bar of internet more than there would be more than a million jobs more.
  2. digital divide- Digital Division means that there is a gap between the access that people get to internet and other communications.
  3. Unequal Access- Unequal access  to internet can impact your future because internet allows you to connect to other countries and history without ever going.
  4. Innovators- lack of internet access impact us as a country because it allows us to have communications to other countries to sometimes resolve conflicts so that there is no war.
  5. What are the options for better Access? the options for better access is to move or to contact the government.
  6. Explain the Final Recommendations? -the final recomendations are ways to have a voice in the say so of the internet access.
  7. What could be done to increase internet access and create more choices for communities nationwide? I believe the people should have more voice in their government systems and should demand equal access through out the world. 
  8. What actions need to be taken to keep the internet open for users and innovators? more people should be taught how to use the internet and showed have more computers in other much poorer countries.