Thursday, September 29, 2011


My total is 390 minutes divided by 60 that is about 6.5 hours, Now I can plan how I will use each day from now until OCTOBER 11 to complete my project
9/28-Day 1--50minutes--investigate what is the best idea for 6th graders
9/29-Day 2--50 minutes--investigate if its simple to use, the 2 comparing websites
10/1-Day 3--60 minutes--design ideas that i would like to use
10/2-Day 4--55 minutes--plan making this chart
10/3-Day 5--55 minutes-create make the actual product
10/4-Day 6--60 minutes--created a new one
10/5-Day 7--60 minutes--evaluate my progress

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


According to my progress I would rate myself a 5. At the beginning my actions were lousy and my work was bad, since I did not grasp the concept of what we were assigned. I went home and reviewed my study buddy, all the websites we were assigned, and asked around. The next day I had a better, more possitive attitude towards the class assignments and I noticed that it was quit easy. I went back and redid everything, my investigation, the tables and the other things we were assigned. When I redid it the ideas kept flowing into my brain and my table paragraphs were long and good. This was because I had a good ATTITUDE IN TECHNOLOGY. Now I get what the assignment is about. I think that my project will be simple for the 6th graders and after reading it and watching it they will understand the design cycle. I believe this because the project that i decided to chose was comic book and flip book.

10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
This project will be made for the 6th graders for them to understand clearly the design cycle, in order for me to make a good presentation for them I will create a flip book and comic master.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
  • how simple
  • how much the 6th grader grasps the concept of it
  • how well i compare comic master and flip book
  • the details on my project.
  • how well i conduct an investigation
  • a design
  • a plan
  • how well my creation comes out
  • how presentible it is
  • if it makes sense
  • and how creative i am

13. How will you "test" your project?
i will test my project by presenting it to three 6th graders and i will ask them questions , almost like an interview in order to see how much of my project they understood. in order to actually prove that they understood i will give them 10 questions they must get at least 8 correct in order to prove that they understood. that means the lowest they can get is an 80. though there will be extra bonus points, 2, 5 points each.

12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment? 
The limitations presented to me with this assign ment are that i may not be able to get my message through with the 6th grader if i don't make simple they well not get what i mean. 

Friday, September 23, 2011


Flip book

sample 1

  1.  on every page add a new letter till i have design cycle spelled out.
  2. page 30-50 draw something on investigation.
  3. page50-70 draw on design
  4. page 70-80 draw on plan
  5. page80-90 draw on create
  6. page90-100 draw on evalute

sample 2
  1. write design cycle from page 1-6 one whole word. 
  2. write investigat 7-13 and draw a moving picture from14-30
  3. write design 31-37 and then on 38-50 draw
  4. write plan 51-57 and then from pages 58-70 draw
  5. write evaluate 71-77 and then 78-90 draw

sample 3

  1. make a list of what i will show adding a new bullet point every 5 pages
  2. draw a character moving
  3. make it very detailed
  4. just type out whats happening and hand it out

comic master

sample one

create a disaster and then the hero comes out of no where and attacks the vilian beating him pretty bad but in a way that shows that he used the design cycle

sample two

the hero goes through the steps of the design cycle with caption bubbles

sample three

there is two super heroes fighting a vilian and they are telling each other off but actually saying the design cycle.

Monday, September 19, 2011


 Theme is all about what the story is about. For the comic strip the whole theme of it is about super heroes and vilians. Most comic stripes are fantasy and for some reason attracts kids with super heroes and vilians. I rated it a 4 becaause it had a good theme going on. there was super heroes and vilians which have never been seen before. some of the characters are really funny looking so I know that the 6th grader that i will have to present will understand what i have to explain to them using this method. It could of had a 5 if it would of let me move the arms and legs the way that i wanted to. In the comic stip option the characters are already in there own position almost like telling their story. That is what I don't like because i want it to tell my story.
Options of the characters are semi good because I cant really have them in the possition that i want to, though the positive thing is that I have a lot of options for the characters. I rated it a 3 because i think the facial expressions and the movement of them should be easier to manipulate. Like I mentioned for theme, they say their own story which I don't want, want them to tell my story. I think I will have to analyze their postions and make a story around the characters. Instead of being the other way around. the good thing is though that I have a lot of options to make a story because I have some throughing there powers and their facial expressions some in a good mood and others in not such a good mood. I think the other thing that kills it is that if I were to want a pretty super hero I cant because like I said they are already made and I cant change them.
Simplicity is about how easy it is to use the comic strip page. This one was not that easy to to manipulate it did not have directions so I did not understand what I was suppose to do till much later. I rated it a one because because I think if its for 6th graders they might not quite get the concept of what I am trying to tell them. I think if this had exactly how to do it and examlpes of others on that same page, it would be alot better and easier. The other problem I had was that I did not know how to add text. I had to click on several places in order to get to the writing part and still then I did not get it right. if it had how to and step by step of how to do things in order it would be rated a lot better. it should also have examples of other people's so we can get ideas. 
popularity (user) is all about how many people get on and how good their product comes out. in the comic strip master it did not say how many people got on and their product. i think if other people showed there examples it would have a 4. it would have a 5 if it had examples and how many people get on. for example in facebook it tells you a round amount of how many people are on and how many people in the world have a facebook. this website should have thatso we the users can know how many others have one. this shows how popular the website really is and how good if a lot of people are on.
Theme of the flip book really there is none. It's just about drawing there are many color options. The whole color pallet can really catch 6th graders attention. What is really cool about it is that it really helps you create whatever you desire. I rated it a 3 because it actually had almost no them, the page did not make feel inspired to get ready to paint or do absolutely nothing. I could of given it a 4 if there was more color to it or more examples on the front page. Also I could of rated it a 5 if it had like drawings that were just black and white so that you could paint. I think this because it is hard to manipulate the mouse while trying to draw in the computer and make perfectly straight lines.
Options, I did like the color pallet as I had briefly mentioned in the other paragraph. Though I think that that could of been fixed a little. For example it could of had a color mixer so that you could have made your own rare color. What there is cool is that you get to chose your own size of brush were as to other simpler painting website, this option does not come included. The side bar also looks really plain like it could of used more vibrant colors or at least more options to use stuff. So I rated this category as a 1, it seems bad to rate it a one but considering this is a painting website it could of totally had more options. Some of the flips shown as examples are good. Though there are only a few and the once shown seem really complicated.
The simplicity- as you may notice in the other paragraphs it is not so easy. Although the examples seem really cool and funny the are not so easy as presented. I created a simple one and in order for it to look presentable I had to do like 30 drawings. The tools that I was presented with were very helpful but the brush when you went too fast it would crack up and not look so good. I think a 5  represents that its great because anyone can do it. Like I mentioned I did one it took 30 pages but I did it in 5 minutes. For simplicity the creator really out did himself with this website. There are also other methods to do a flip book, instead of drawing you can use your webcam and do it.
Popularity I scored this a 3 because I saw quit a few examples but not that many. It left me thinking if it was because not a lot of people use it or because they just don't get posted. Though I did see it said over 225,667 flip books. It at least assures me that quit a few people do use this method.Some people are very creative and seem to be joyful. This give me ideas to what I want to create for my flip book. I would of rated this website a 4 if I saw a lot more of those creative flip books. I would of rated this a 5 if I would of seen color in the once already present for flip book examples.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Although I had chosen at first to create a video, uploading it with Animoto and masher I went back and I saw the other options that I had. I think I'm going to do a comic book instead its seems like a very good way to show 6th graders how even a super hero goes through the design cycle every time he fights crime. The application that I have been given the option to use seems very professional, accessible, and very easy to use, and manipulate the characters.  This way the 6th graders can actually see and go back to and reference every time the have trouble remembering the process.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


            I am going to use Animoto, because it seems like I can have backgrounds to my videos. I think it looks very functional  in order to create a good informational video. The sixth graders will grasp the concept of what a Design cycle is all about and the procedures in order to create one. this websites seems like a very accessible website to get in both school and home.
Masher seems like a good proffesional program that i can use in order to mix pictures and videos. It would be fun to have a video in a way that is mixed up.This seems like a page that many have gone to for help. Also this page is very easily accessible and i can load my video and send it to the teacher without having to connect my video or anything.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


1. What is the problem you need to solve? The problem is that we have to create a presentation for the sixth graders.
We need to explain to a sixth grader what the design cycle is about by creating a presentation.
2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world? The design cycle is to know how to follow a process this applies to everything you do even the smallest things.
It’ll help us learn to solve situations where we need to make something.
3. How will this project serve my community? This project will help my community by helping little kids in following a process, in this case it’s the design cycle.
Will help the Idea Donna sixth grader learn what the design cycle is about.
4. How can my learning help my community? Since I have been doing the MYP for a long time I have the design cycle down so I can help others to explain how everything uses a design cycle.
It will help people learn about the design cycle.
5. How do we live in relation to each other? We depend on each other because every one is wise in there own ways.
We have all grades.
6. How does this help others? This helps them because the will learn to use process.
We support each other.
7. What are the requirements for this assignment? This assignment requires 4 parts.
The project has to be explanatory. It has to be able to be understood by a sixth grader.
8. What is the Design Cycle? The design cycle is all about a 4 step process in order to find something.
A process we use to solve situations where we need to create something.
REFLECT on your learning.
Day 2
9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle: The investigate part where you have to search for the problem being asked. Design the part in the process were you think of ideas. Plan the part in which you write what you think will be a good idea in order to solve the problem. Create make the actual product. Evaluate see that you have done everything correct, your ending result.