Friday, September 23, 2011


Flip book

sample 1

  1.  on every page add a new letter till i have design cycle spelled out.
  2. page 30-50 draw something on investigation.
  3. page50-70 draw on design
  4. page 70-80 draw on plan
  5. page80-90 draw on create
  6. page90-100 draw on evalute

sample 2
  1. write design cycle from page 1-6 one whole word. 
  2. write investigat 7-13 and draw a moving picture from14-30
  3. write design 31-37 and then on 38-50 draw
  4. write plan 51-57 and then from pages 58-70 draw
  5. write evaluate 71-77 and then 78-90 draw

sample 3

  1. make a list of what i will show adding a new bullet point every 5 pages
  2. draw a character moving
  3. make it very detailed
  4. just type out whats happening and hand it out

comic master

sample one

create a disaster and then the hero comes out of no where and attacks the vilian beating him pretty bad but in a way that shows that he used the design cycle

sample two

the hero goes through the steps of the design cycle with caption bubbles

sample three

there is two super heroes fighting a vilian and they are telling each other off but actually saying the design cycle.

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